Schematic diagram of a nonlinear metasurface composed of asymmetric meta-atoms based on guided mode resonance and bound states in the continuum. Credit: Opto-Electronic Advances (2024). DOI: 10.29026/oea.2024.230186
Nonlinear optics is a branch of optics that deals with the complex nonlinear relationships between the optical response of the medium and the incident light when it interacts with the optical medium. Currently, nonlinear optics has been successfully applied to a variety of fields, such as laser modulation, optical signal processing, and medical imaging.
In recent years, due to considerations including phase matching conditions in frequency conversion processes and advances in nanofabrication techniques, metasurfaces have become an increasingly important platform for the research and implementation of novel nonlinear optical functionalities.
Generally speaking, optical metasurfaces are ultra-thin artificial surfaces with periodic arrangement at sub-wavelength scale of basic optical elements.
By precisely designing the periodic unit cell, metasurfaces are capable of manipulating the intensity, polarization, and phase of optical waves in unprecedented ways.
In nonlinear optics, metasurfaces also play a significant role because of the powerful control over the intensity of light-matter interaction, the versatile modulation of the phase and polarization of nonlinear optical signals, high degree of design flexibility in terms of geometry and material composition, and potential for seamless integration into compact optical devices.
Recently, researchers have shown that optically resonant all-dielectric metasurfaces based on guided mode resonances make it possible to achieve large quality-(Q) factor resonant effects and enable effective optical elements in applications, such as sensing and harmonic generation.
However, unlike the case of guided modes of photonic crystal slab waveguides, guided mode resonances can couple to the radiation continuum, so that optical energy is lost into the free space. Moreover, a recently revealed physical mechanism, namely bound states in the continuum, provides a new way to achieve strong coupling between light and matter.
Generally, bound states in the continuum possess infinitely large radiative Q-factor. Due to surface roughness, material losses, fabrication imperfections, and other perturbations, bound states in the continuum in practical devices manifest themselves as high-Q resonances with finite Q-factors.
Importantly, the dependence of the Q-factor of BICs on the geometric asymmetry of meta-atoms allows for flexibility in the design of metasurfaces supporting high-Q resonances and an effective control of the strength of light-matter interaction within a wide spectral range.
Spurred by these ideas, BICs have been intensively studied not only in linear optics applications, including vortex beam generation and light guiding photonic devices, but also in relation to a plethora of nonlinear optical effects, such as giant harmonic generation and self-action effects.
Metasurfaces provide a promising platform for the study of nonlinear optics. However, most proposed nonlinear metasurfaces only focused on a single frequency conversion process and lack an efficient way to control and adjust the intensity of the nonlinear optical interactions.
More information: Ji Tong Wang et al, Resonantly enhanced second- and third-harmonic generation in dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces, Opto-Electronic Advances (2024). DOI: 10.29026/oea.2024.230186
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