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Young people today are living with the existential threat of climate change. They are witnessing and experiencing record-breaking heat waves, devastating storms, and rising seas. Moreover, youth are watching the actions of governments and industries fall well short of what is needed to address the climate crisis, leaving many young people feeling powerless and hopeless about the future.
"Many youth are frustrated and anxious that adults are not acting responsibly; they are going to have to live with the impact of bad decisions that are being made now," said Erin Seaton, a senior lecturer in education at Tufts who specializes in school-based mental health. "It's their future that's at stake, and they feel like they don't have control."
Climate anxiety—a catch-all term for feelings of anxiety, fear, grief, anger, helplessness, and guilt related to climate change—is an understandable response to the current state and scale of the crisis. It's experienced by people of all ages, but is particularly prevalent among young adults. Left unaddressed, climate anxiety can be paralyzing, debilitating, and exacerbate existing mental health problems. But there are ways to help young people manage these feelings.
"It has to be a priority in our schools and our communities," said Seaton. "When we teach students about climate, we can give them not only a greater understanding of the issues, but more agency around their own impact and actions. It can be calming to know there are steps you can take."
Acknowledge the reality of climate change
"When we're engaging with young people about climate, we have to validate the bad. The reality is not always sunny and bright," said Ann Ward, the education and outreach specialist for the Tufts Office of Sustainability.
Ward spent almost two years studying how young climate activists in Boston—particularly in the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led organization advocating for action on climate change—managed emotions around climate change. "It's a mistake for adults to ignore that, or to try to tell kids that we expect them to feel hopeful."
Often, anxiety in adolescents can arise from feeling like a problem—perhaps an upcoming test, for example—is too big, and they don't have the skills to manage it.
In these cases, reminding young people that the problem isn't as big as it feels—it's just one test—and helping them think through the strategies they already know to tackle it—they've studied and prepared—can help ease feelings of anxiety. But climate change isn't something that any individual can address on their own.
"It's not as if we can say to youth, "Climate change isn't so big and you have skills and strategies to manage it." Those normal ways in which we help manage anxiety aren't available because, as a 16-year-old, you're not writing policy," Seaton said.
"The problem is really big, it's real, and it's impacting us now and in the future."
Climate change is a serious problem and the negative feelings and emotions associated with it are reasonable and justified. Acknowledging this and discussing those feelings can help young people feel heard and supported.
Provided by Tufts University