
Can startups be the vessel for solving climate change?

Entrepreneurs in the business of protecting the environment may be more effective at addressing climate change than sweeping policies or legacy companies trying to go green, according to a new study out of CU Boulder's Leeds ...

Understanding how pathogenic fungi build their carbohydrate armor

In a new study published in Nature Communications, Associate Professor Tuo Wang and his research team from the Department of Chemistry at Louisiana State University revealed the molecular architecture of fungal cell walls ...

Who bought firearms during 2020 purchasing surge?

A new Rutgers study has found that people who bought firearms during the COVID-19 pandemic and national surge in firearm sales tend to be more sensitive to threats and have less emotional and impulse control than firearm ...

Russian test blamed for space junk threatening space station

A Russian weapons test created more than 1,500 pieces of space junk now threatening the seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station, according to U.S. officials who called the strike reckless and irresponsible.

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