
Massive iceberg threatens remote penguin sanctuary 

The world's biggest iceberg is on a collision course with a remote South Atlantic island that is home to thousands of penguins and seals, and could impede their ability to gather food, scientists told AFP Wednesday.

US formally exits Paris pact aiming to curb climate change

The United States on Wednesday formally left the triggered by his administration a year ago, further isolates Washington in the world but has no immediate impact on international efforts to curb global warming.

Paper addresses fieldwork safety for minority scientists

Scientists and graduate students with minority identities who conduct fieldwork report being stalked, followed, sexually assaulted, harassed, threatened, having guns pulled on them and police called on them.

Identifying communities at risk for impacts of extreme heat

An analysis of ways to measure a community's vulnerability to climate change suggests that California's current method may leave some at-risk communities behind in efforts to reduce health impacts of extreme heat. Lynée ...

DNA in seawater can reveal fish diversity in the deep ocean

A new study demonstrates the effectiveness of a novel method for using DNA in seawater samples to determine which fish species are present in a given part of the deep sea. A team of scientists from eDNAtec Inc. and colleagues ...

Violent encounters between gorillas slow population growth rate

As wildlife populations decline around the globe, understanding the natural and human-induced factors that influence their growth is critical for determining the risk of population declines and developing effective conservation ...

Sea-level rise will have complex consequences: study

Rising sea levels will affect coasts and human societies in complex and unpredictable ways, according to a new study that examined 12,000 years in which a large island became a cluster of smaller ones.

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