
Spotify expands with World Trade Center move

Spotify on Wednesday announced an expansion amid the rapid growth of streaming, with the company moving its US headquarters to New York's rebuilt World Trade Center complex.

Corps to accelerate cleanup at oil pipeline protest camp

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to hire a contractor to accelerate cleanup efforts at a camp in southern North Dakota that has housed hundreds and sometimes thousands of Dakota Access pipeline opponents.

Yahoo issues another warning in fallout from hacking attacks

Yahoo is warning users of potentially malicious activity on their accounts between 2015 and 2016, the latest development in the internet company's investigation of a mega-breach that exposed 1 billion users' data several ...

UN addresses issue of whale-ship collisions

Scientists and government officials met at the United Nations today to consider possible solutions to a global problem: how to protect whale species in their most important marine habitats that overlap with shipping lanes ...

Physicists harness neglected properties of light

University of Toronto (U of T) researchers have demonstrated a way to increase the resolution of microscopes and telescopes beyond long-accepted limitations by tapping into previously neglected properties of light. The method ...

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