
Tim Armstrong reinvents a flagging AOL

In 2009, when Tim Armstrong took over as chief executive of AOL Inc., he faced a daunting task: Turn around a company that had gone from an Internet pioneer to near obsolescence in less than a decade.

What did the first snakes look like?

The ancestral snakes in the grass actually lived in the forest, according to the most detailed look yet at the iconic reptiles.

Silicon Valley aims for Cuba, but treads carefully

If Horacio Nunez grew up in the United States instead of Cuba, the 26-year-old software engineer might have spent hours of his youth surfing the Web. But he had no Internet connection to his Havana home, so he learned how ...

Drought-induced tree mortality accelerating in forests

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have found that drought and heat-induced tree mortality is accelerating in many forest biomes as a consequence of a warming climate in their paper "Darcy's law predicts widespread ...

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