
'Uncharted' videogame packs action movie punch

The line between videogames and action films blurred further on Tuesday with Sony's release of an eye-popping, pulse-revving "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception" title for PlayStation 3 consoles.

Crowdsourcing nutrition in a snap

Americans spend upwards of $40 billion a year on dieting advice and self-help books, but the first step in any healthy eating strategy is basic awareness -- what's on the plate.

Google expands online bookstore to Canada

Google expanded its online bookstore to Canada on Tuesday, offering hundreds of thousands of electronic books for sale and millions of others for free.

Senior citizens as co-researchers to improve urban planning

Heavy carrier bags and a lurching bus are an equation that is difficult to solve for most people, but for an elderly person getting the shopping home on public transport can be an almost insurmountable task. A newly launched ...

Google gives Gmail a new look

Google on Tuesday unveiled a new look for its free email service, inviting users to switch if they like what they see.

Berkeley lab to build cost model for fuel cells

Fuel cells seem like an ideal energy source -- they're clean, efficient, silent and don't require transmission lines. The hitch? They can be costly. Now scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) hope ...

Online interactions can lead to risky financial decision-making

People who participate in online communities are more likely to make risky financial decisions, according to a new study from researchers at Rice University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Zurich.

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