
Air Force: Tests didn't include troubled GPS unit

(AP) -- The Air Force says it performed no advance testing on the specific type of military GPS receiver that had problems picking up locator signals after a change in ground-control software.

UTIs becoming harder to treat

Genes that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics can be transferred between humans and other animals, say researchers writing in this month's issue of the Journal of Medical Microbiology. The findings will help health experts ...

Giving new meaning to 'smart car'

(PhysOrg.com) -- McMaster and IBM have launched a research project to investigate how the automotive industry can connect a vehicle's multiple microprocessors, which currently work in isolation, to create a "cognitive car" ...

Atudy: Religion influences economic behavior

(PhysOrg.com) -- Protestants who are reminded of their religion do more good deeds but the opposite is true for Catholics. This is one of the findings of a new economics study that employs psychology research techniques.

Obamas Paid Too Much in Taxes, Says Tax Expert

(PhysOrg.com) -- President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama paid too much in taxes last year compared with their peers in the same income group, says Dorothy Brown, professor of tax law at Emory University School ...

The Growing Market for 'War Porn' -- What's Going On?

(PhysOrg.com) -- "War porn" -- videos viewed for entertainment that feature gruesome footage of dead American soldiers or the killing of soldiers and civilians in the Middle East wars -- are growing in numbers online, in ...

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