
Climate concerns turn city's smell into cash cow

(AP) -- The smell of manure hangs over Greeley as it has for half a century. These days it's more than just a potent reminder of the region's agricultural roots and the hundreds of thousands of cattle raised on the city's ...

Mum's the word at Vegas blogging convention

For years, the stereotypical blogger was a geek yammering on about the latest technoglogy or a celebrity-obsessed scribe dishing about Paris, Lindsay and Madonna.

Jackson "This Is It" album to sell at iTunes

Apple on Friday confirmed that Michael Jackson's "This Is It" music compilation will be available at online shop iTunes a day before the release of the compact disc version.

Rio youth use GPS phones to put favelas on map

Rio's favelas are home to a third of the city's population, but are almost invisible on maps -- a situation five young women are trying to change with the help of GPS and the Internet.

Biggest economies try again to strike climate deal

(AP) -- The world's 17 biggest and most polluting nations meet in London on Sunday in an attempt to break a deadlock on financing efforts to contain climate change and reducing harmful gases causing global warming.

Apple lets iPhone apps get down to business

Apple said Friday that it is allowing businesses to sell content or services through applications given away for free at the iPhone maker's online App Store.